I want to start out by apologizing to all of my friends out there. I should have given all of you an update a month ago. I went dark for the month of June and part of May. I had a lot going on. Here is the list of stuff I have been doing.
I am an active violence trainer for the entire Lansing MI area Fire and Police Departments. During the past several months a majority of my off work time has been spent training first responders in response to active violence incidents. With the rise of incidents in the USA and other parts of the world an increase in awareness is necessary. That took up a ton of my time these past few months.
I am also persuing a permanent Fire Officer position with my current Full Time occupation with the Fire Department. I have been acting as a Fire Officer for the past three years due to vacancies but we have a rigid examination we have to go through to ensure we are properly trained and ready to work in that capacity. That took up the rest of my time off, studying, and preparing for the assessment. I passed the written and the assessment portion in a top spot, and should be promoted within a few months.
I have two boys who were involved in Travel Baseball. Each of them played in multiple double-headers, and multiple single games a week. We were often stretched in all ways at once.. It was a grueling season, but we came out with winning teams for both of them.
Glad that June is over. Now I can get back to a steady regimen of drawing which I assume is what brings the majority of you here anyway.
I am still working on 10 illustrations of the different classes (two of which were compete at the end of May) for +Jeff Talanian and North Wind Adventures; Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea Hardcover, and Jeff Gratiously granted me a leave of absence from the drawing board the month of June. Unfortunately I am under a vow of silence and thus cannot post up any of the images for the hardcover book until Jeff's say so. He runs a tight ship. Which is a good thing it keeps me in check, as I would spoil everything if it were up to me. I will also be tasked with many more illustrations for the hardcover as well, so that should keep me busy over the next half year or so.
However, there should be some movement on The Mystery of Port Greely Kickstarter. I know that it has been in editor +David Prata 's hands and is probably real close if not at the printer. So I should be able to post some pics of that artwork soon.
I also did a huge isometric tavern/inn for Troll Lord Games. Which I will get up on here soon. And I am working on another project for them as well, that should see the light of day early next month.
Needless to say I am anxious to get back to the drawing table again, and really get some things cranking.
Now for the news. (If you are still reading this, that is.)
Matt Hargenrader's Dweller's in the Dark Places has been published at Drivetrurpg.com.
Here is the direct link. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/183168/Dwellers-in-Dark-Places
Thanks for supporting that project. Matt is super awesome to work for, gave me a work out with all the oddities he had me cranking out. Here are just a few of those to wet your appetites.
Di'awan detailed here.
Asp, Granite detailed here.
Ice Drake detailed here.
Wide Wouthed Asp detailed here.
Kaprosuchus detailed here.
Andrewsarchas detailed here.
Haldroon detailed here.
Xanniz Worm detailed here.
I promise to get this blog thing going again, if not for my sanity than for your pleasure!
Thanks for looking, comments always welcome.
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