Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Random Gamers Guild: Spartoi Undead and WIP.

Things are flying here at Mavfire Arts Studio (Fancy name for me, myself and I), I am working on so many projects right now, but that is not at all a bad thing. Unless of course you are an avid blog reader, and you see that this blog has not had a post in over a week. Yikes...I shall be steadfast and try harder. Apologies to all, and thanks for everyone's kind words, +'s and all that jazz. On to the post. 

Matt Hargenrader of Random Gamers Guild, and his "Dwellers in the Dark Places" creature catalog has opted me for several more black and white illustrations of his uniquely distinct critters, monsters and what-have-yous. 

This first one is a completed creature. The terrifying undead Spartoi...

Spartoi Undead by Del Teigeler, Mavfire
Copyright Del Teigeler 2015. Licensed to Matt Hargenrader 2015.

Unique in that they are the remains of the dead, but with hardened leathery skin, and they rise from the ground fully armed and armored. But to find out more you will have to check out Matt's "Dwellers in the Dark Places" when it comes out. 

This second one is a teaser WIP of the Hesaki Rat...

Hesaki Rat WIP by Del Teigeler, Mavfire
Copyright Del Teigeler 2015. Licensed to Matt Hargenrader 2015.

With their boney head and two sets of eyes these things give even me the willys. They are large carnivores and with two sets of eyes can pretty much see you before you know you are sighted. Fun project to work on, I am excited to see this one in print (err...PDF).

Hope you liked

Thanks for looking, and comments always welcome. 

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